The Place Where I Do My Fishing

The Place Where I Do My Fishing
Eldon First Christian Church

Friday, June 10, 2011

Shimmering Stones


We only get to go around the sun so many times; it called an orbit
And as we complete those orbits
We must make several choices which effect our future orbits
Each orbit brings us closer to our last orbit.

I do not confuse the good and the bad that come from those orbits
With some one to blame or take credit for the effect of the orbits
God created the orbit and its limits
I get to exercise my free will as I increase my digits

God gave the orbit and interesting gadget
It is cyclical it begins; it ends, over and over it does the orbit
With the cycle gadget is something called symbiosis
This helps the orbit maintain the orbits

My job as I see it
Is to work with God who created it
This system of orbiting orbits
And to realize that what I do effects the symbiosis

When I complete my last orbit
I will do my best to remember it
That the orbit will continue til the One who started it
Decides to stop it

I hope to teach someone else about this orbit
How to stay in peace and work with the symbiosis
But if I don't do it
The symbiosis will assure the lesson bit

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